Every year, our neighborhood celebrates Independence Day with a parade around Pillow Elementary and a fun family get-together at Pillow Playground. This year, we will continue this tradition with a celebration that will include games, face painting, balloon animals and friendly competitions for the best decorated bicycle, tricycle, wagon … and even the best decorated dog.
The NSCNA Independence Day Parade starts at 9:30 am on Saturday, July 3. We are looking for volunteers to help with some of the following tasks and activities:
- Setting up — Starting around 8:30 am, we will need people to help set up the sound system, decorating, and organizing the start of the parade.
- Judging bicycle, tricycle, wagon and best decorated dog competitions.
- Coordinating activities such as games and helping to line people up for face painting, balloon animals, etc.
- Icing refreshments down and handing out water.
- Assisting at the Membership Table (after the parade).
- Cleaning up and taking down decorations.
If you are able to volunteer, please contact Ken Moyer via email at vp@nscna.org or over the phone at 452-6889. We’re looking forward to making 2010 our best parade yet.
Volunteer for the NSCNA Independence Day Parade