NSCNA Blog Archive

  • On Thursday, September 23, city staff from the hazardous waste facility will collect hazardous waste items from the homes of any elderly and disabled neighbors who sign up in advance. This city has a full list of acceptable items that can be collected.

    We have 9 spots left for the Sept. 23 pickup. Here are some additional details:

    • This collection is only for our elderly and disabled neighbors.
    • If items for the collection can be moved to the front of the house or garage, the neighbor does not need to be home.
    • The city asks that if the neighbor is able, to please place smaller items in boxes. This would be helpful for collection.
    • We do not have specific times for staff arrival as they may have to make multiple trips to the facility. However, all items will be picked up that day.

    If you would like to participate in this collection, please contact Alyssa Hedge at socialchair@nscna.org or call her at 380-9616. Please spread the word to any neighbors who might want to take advantage of this special collection.

  • We received the following press release from Austin Homeland Security and Emergency Management:

    WHO: Austin Homeland Security and Emergency Management and city and county public safety agencies join together to better inform the community during National Preparedness Month 2010 activities.

    WHAT: Austin Homeland Security and Emergency Management will host its 2nd Annual Public Safety Open House; this is the one time every year media and the public are allowed in the secure facility.  September marks National Preparedness Month 2010, the seventh year of a nationwide coordinated effort encouraging families to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and communities. Attendees will learn concrete steps on preparing their families, businesses and communities for emergencies and disasters. Families will climb aboard public safety vehicles, evacuate a smoke house, see the Emergency Operation Center, among other activities.

    WHEN: Sept. 18, 10 am –1 p.m.

    WHERE: Combined Transportation, Emergency and Communications Center (CTECC), 5010 Old Manor Road; Austin, Texas 78723

    WHY: Preparedness is everyone’s responsibility. Individuals are encouraged to: put together an emergency supply kit; make a family emergency plan; be prepared to help your neighbor; and work as a team to keep everyone safe. Austin HSEM encourages our community to be better prepared and invites community members to attend its 2nd Annual Public Safety Open House to learn how.

    PARKING: Public parking will not be available at the HSEM facility, however there is parking at Bartholomew Park Pool and a courtesy shuttle will transport people to the facility.

    For more information contact Austin HSEM at 512-974-0450.

  • Date: Sunday, September 12
    Time: 4 pm
    Location: Faith Lutheran Church, 6600 Woodrow Ave.

    Faith Lutheran Church will celebrate their 60th anniversary with a free afternoon organ concert. The celebration features a multimedia presentation of the “Words of Albert Schweitzer and the Music of Bach” by special arrangement with Tennessee Player, Inc.

    From the church’s press release: “You will experience the glorious music of Bach played on our newly refurbished pipe organ and hear the profound words of Albert Schweitzer, all while viewing a biographical slide show. A light reception will follow the afternoon organ concert.”

    If you have any questions, you can to call the church office at 512 451-1116. They can also provide information about their anniversary worship service.

    [Photo credit: “Church Pipe Organ” by Flickr user freefotouk. Used under Creative Commons license.]

  • Date: Tuesday, Sept. 7
    Time: 6:30 – 8 pm
    Location: Pillow Elementary, 3025 Crosscreek Dr.

    There will be a general membership meeting of our association on Tuesday, September 8. It will be a packed agenda, with three main topics.

    The City of Austin will give a presentation on the results of the Steck Avenue restriping project.

    The Beautification Committee will present a proposal to apply for a City of Austin Urban Forest Grant. More information here: Proposal to Apply for Urban Forest Grant

    Finally, the NCSP Special Committee will give a presentation on the City of Austin Neighborhood Cost Sharing Program. We will be discussing whether the neighborhood should participate, and the process for selecting our project. Please see the most recent newsletter for information on this effort.

  • We wanted to take a moment to thank the businesses that chose to advertise in the August/September 2010 issue of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood News. Please support our advertisers whenever possible.

    Businesses in the following list that have an asterisk (*) next to their names offer a discount or coupon in their newsletter ad.

    • *Boot Camp U — Morning and evening exercise classes at Pillow Elementary
    • Peggy Little — Real-estate agent who often sells homes in our neighborhood
    • Sandy Perkins — Real-estate agent who lives in our neighborhood (and longtime former editor of the newsletter!)
    • *Hill-Berts Burgers — Restaurant on Burnet Road, which hosted a NSCNA Social Get-Together in June
    • *Yogagroove — Located in Grapevine Market Shopping Center; holds classes in Bikram Yoga
    • Satay — Thai/South Asian restaurant located in North Shoal Creek since 1987
    • *Gym One — Neighborhood gym in the same shopping center as Satay
    • td designs — North Shoal Creek area company offers remodels, custom homes and residential framing design by Tony Davis
    • Jill Leberknight — Real-estate agent who often sells homes in North Shoal Creek
    • George Johnson — State Farm Insurance Agent with an office on Burnet Road
    • Crestview Minimax — Grocery store adjacent to North Shoal Creek that’s been around since 1953
    • Freshteh Kosari — Real-estate agent whom you might also remember as one of our face painters during the NSCNA Independence Day celebration
    • Judy Rowland — Music teacher and soloist/pianist who lives in North Shoal Creek
    • Heartsong Music — Neighborhood music studio offering Music Together® classes for children 0-5 and their parents/caregivers
    • Good Turn Music — Lee Donovan offers guitar lessons for beginners in several locations, including students’ homes