NSCNA Blog Archive

  • The NSCNA Board of Directors will be holding a regular meeting this Monday evening. Members are welcome to attend and observe.

    Date: Monday, June 14, 2010
    Time: 6:30 pm
    Location: North Village Branch Library, 2505 Steck Ave.

  • Journey Beyond, the Austin Public Library’s 2010 Summer Reading Program, runs from June through August this year. Participating in the program is easy:

    1. Join either the Adult or Youth program by signing up at an Austin library or online.
    2. Read your books and record them in your reading log/entry form.
    3. Return your completed form to the library and become eligible for prizes.

    The Adult Reading program kicks off at Recycled Reads this Saturday, June 12 at 4 pm.

    For more information, call 512-974-7400 or visit www.austinsummerreading.org.

  • Date: Saturday, June 5
    Time: 8 – 10 am
    Location: In front of Pillow Elementary

    Some kinds of waste, such as paint and oil, should not be disposed of in standard trash cans. These so-called “hazardous wastes” should be brought to a special City of Austin facility for disposal.

    The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association (NSCNA) has worked with the city to plan a collection of household hazardous waste for disposal. The collection is open to North Shoal Creek neighborhood residents.

    Please Note

    State regulations place strict limits on what we can accept and transport to the waste facility. Please read the following instructions carefully.
    We are doing this event as a trial, with a small number of volunteers. Once the trucks are full, we will close collections and head to the waste facility.
    Your waste materials are going to be transported in the trunk or bed of a neighbor’s vehicle. Please be a good neighbor and ensure all materials are properly boxed or bagged so they do not harm your neighbor’s vehicle.

    What We Can and Can’t Accept

    BOPA Waste

    We can accept as much “BOPA” waste as the trucks can hold. This includes:

    • Batteries (car and household)
    • Oil
    • Latex paint
    • Anti-freeze

    Limited Hazardous Waste

    State regulation prevents us from transporting more than 100 lbs of the following types of hazardous waste. We will accept small amounts of these kinds of waste, capacity permitting. These items include:

    • Thermometers
    • Fluorescent lights
    • Empty containers
    • Other paints and solvents: Solvents, oil-based paint, furniture strippers, paint thinners, etc.
    • Lawn care chemicals: Fertilizers, pesticides, pool chemicals, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc.
    • Household cleaning products: Bleach, products that contain bleach, ammonia, ammonia-based products, all-purpose cleaners, furniture polish, spot removers, scouring powder, oven cleaner, bathroom cleaners, bug spray, etc.
    • Other automotive products: Gasoline, lubricants, brake fluid, transmission fluid, car wax, metal polish, etc.

    IMPORTANT: If you want to dispose any of the above items, please separate them from “BOPA” waste so they can be weighed and tallied. We have strict limits on the amount of these hazardous (non-BOPA) waste items we can accept.

    Unacceptable Materials

    The following items cannot be disposed of at this event, because the hazardous waste facility will not accept them.

    • Any waste generated by a business
    • Computers or other appliances
    • Explosive materials
    • Medical waste
    • Radioactive waste
    • Tires


    • Sort and separate BOPA waste from other types of hazardous waste.
    • Place waste in boxes or bags so they can be easily transported.
    • Leaking items will NOT be accepted.
    • Please do NOT accept items for friends who live outside of our neighborhood. We have limited space and want to serve as many neighbors as possible.
    • You will be asked to give your address so we can keep statistics for the waste facility.

    Please drive into the circle drive in front of Pillow Elementary. Collection begins at 8 am. Collection ends at either 10 am or when the trucks are filled, whichever occurs first.

    Our pickup trucks will be lined up so we can take items from your car and place them directly in the truck. After your car has been unloaded, we ask that you promptly leave the drive so the next car can pull in. If there is a wait, form a line by pulling off to the side of the road to make room for through traffic.

    To learn more about the City of Austin Hazardous Waste facility, see: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/sws/residential_hazardous_waste.htm

  • Congratulations to the Smith residence of 82xx Stillwood for becoming NSCNA’s Yard of the Month for April.

    This charming landscape features two Oriental-style stone “temples” which are complimented by Nessie, a small visitor from Loch Ness that frolics in the front garden.  The smiling cherub was found in the backyard.

    Click the thumbnail images below for larger versions.

  • From the NSCNA Membership Committee:

    The Membership Committee recently developed an NSCNA Membership Opinion Survey, which was distributed at the May 4 General Meeting at Pillow Elementary School. Additional surveys will be hand-delivered to a random sample of members beginning May 26, with a requested return date of June 15.

    The purpose of the survey is to help identify what neighbors consider important when making a decision to join NSCNA.  The Membership Committee thanks all NSCNA neighbors who have participated in this effort so far.  We greatly appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.