NSCNA Blog Archive

  • Every year, our neighborhood celebrates Independence Day with a parade around Pillow Elementary and a fun family get-together at Pillow Playground.  This year, we will continue this tradition with a celebration that will include games, face painting, balloon animals and friendly competitions for the best decorated bicycle, tricycle, wagon … and even the best decorated dog.

    The NSCNA Independence Day Parade starts at 9:30 am on Saturday, July 3. We are looking for volunteers to help with some of the following tasks and activities:

    • Setting up — Starting around 8:30 am, we will need people to help set up the sound system, decorating, and organizing the start of the parade.
    • Judging bicycle, tricycle, wagon and best decorated dog competitions.
    • Coordinating activities such as games and helping to line people up for face painting, balloon animals, etc.
    • Icing refreshments down and handing out water.
    • Assisting at the Membership Table (after the parade).
    • Cleaning up and taking down decorations.

    If you are able to volunteer, please contact Ken Moyer via email at vp@nscna.org or over the phone at 452-6889.  We’re looking forward to making 2010 our best parade yet.

  • Date: Sunday, May 16
    Time: 4 pm
    Location: 8313 Franwood Lane

    Join the NSCNA Media Committee this Sunday to discuss the neighborhood newsletter.  We will be working on goals and strategies for newsletter content and advertising.

    We hope to see you there.

  • Nobody wanted glassesDate: Saturday, May 22 (rain or shine)
    Time: 8 am to 1 pm
    Location: All around North Shoal Creek

    If you haven’t checked out the latest edition of the NSCNA newsletter, you may have missed the news that the Social Committee is planning the annual NSCNA Neighborhood Garage Sale event later this month.

    How it works: You hold a garage or yard sale at your home during the date/time specified above, and NSCNA advertises the neighborhood sales (Statesman and Craigslist), puts signs around the neighborhood perimeter and creates/gives you flyers with a map and addresses of the participants. You can hand out the flyers at your sale so shoppers can find all the homes in our neighborhood holding sales that day.

    To participate in the sale: Email me (Juliette Kernion) at garagesale@nscna.org or call me at 451-6929 with your name and address if you’d like to participate. I prefer email, but either method is fine. The deadline is next Monday, May 17 if you want to be included on the flyer. NSCNA charges each participating household $2 to help cover the costs of promoting the event. On the morning of the garage sale event, we’ll bring you a stack of flyers and will pick up your $2.

    In addition, please let me know if you’d be able to volunteer to help with the sale. We need people to help make signs as well as put them out on Friday evening and pick them up again Saturday afternoon. I’m also looking for someone to help me find a charity that might be able to pick up unsold items after the sale.

    I hope you’ll join us, either by hosting your own garage sale or by visiting participating sales. It’s a fun way to meet neighbors, have an enjoyable walk around the area … and pick up a few bargains too.

  • On Monday, May 10, nearby North Village Branch Library is teaming up with comic-book store Dragon’s Lair for the library’s monthly Comic Club.  This month, the discussion centers around Spider-Man.  All ages and interest levels are welcome.

    Where: North Village Branch Library

    When: The second Monday of each month at 4:30 pm

    What: Each month the group focuses on a different comic character, series or concept. They read and talk and there is usually an activity or craft related to the idea.

    For more information, call 974-9960 or visit the Comic Club web page.

  • Date: Saturday, May 8
    Time: 8 am – 2 pm
    Location: Allandale

    Our neighbors in Allandale will hold their annual neighborhood-wide garage sale event on Saturday, May 8. It’s a great opportunity for bargain-hunting and socializing.

    We have more than 50 houses listed for the sale. Plus, St. Johns Methodist Church is having their annual sale the same day. There will be a Google map available to the houses. We have a lot of stuff, so tell your friends!

    For more information, read this article on the Allandale Reporter website.

    P.S. Don’t forget that our neighborhood’s garage sale event will take place on Saturday, May 22. Information is in the newsletter, and we’ll post a reminder soon.