NSCNA Blog Archive

  • 21st Annual North Shoal Creek Neighborhood
    4th of July Parade and Party

    Monday, July 4th 2022
    9:00—11:30 a.m.
    Pillow Elementary School, 3025 Crosscreek

    Parade starts at 9:00 a.m.!
    Everyone is invited!
    Free popsicles!
    Take your picture with a real fire truck!

    The parade starts at 9:00 a.m. in front of Pillow Elementary School. After the parade ends, the party continues beneath the pavilion behind the school. Dress in your patriotic best and decorate your bicycles, tricycles, strollers, and pets!

    We need volunteers to help with the event! Click here for more info

    COVID-19 General Hygiene Information

  • The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan Contact Team scheduled meeting will be held Thursday May 12, 2022, 6:30-8:00 pm by Zoom.  The agenda will include election of officers to complete the term of office ending December 31, 2022, and routine business. The meeting will be open to the public but only team members may vote. The meeting will be by Zoom.

    To join the meeting each person must have the meeting ID number and passcode included in the invitation.  If you want to attend the meeting, please request an invitation by email to: nsccontctteam@gmail.com.

    Members of a neighborhood plan contact team (NPCT) are the individuals designated to implement an adopted neighborhood plan. The neighborhood plan contact team is a separate body apart from any existing or future neighborhood associations.Membership of the North Shoal Creek NPCT is open to individuals in the following groups within the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Planning Area:

    1) Property owners

    2) Renters

    3) Business owners

    4) Neighborhood organization members owning or renting property within the neighborhood plan area

    Eligible individuals may become members by attending one contact team meeting and become voting members at their second meeting.

    The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan may be viewed at:


  • The City of Austin has contracted with Joe Bland Construction to upgrade a portion of the water and wastewater line on Steck.

    Where: The project will start at the Steck/Daleview intersection and continue east to the Steck/Rockwood intersection. Then the upgrade turns north on Rockwood for about 400 linear feet to the box culvert on Rockwood.

    When: Work on the Steck section begins May 9 and is expected to extend to the end of June. Work on the Rockwood section will begin June 13 and is expected to extend to the end of July.

    Traffic changes on Steck: During this project, Steck will become two lanes between Daleview and Rockwood. Work will take place in the westbound lane of Steck. Westbound traffic will be pushed to the center lane, while eastbound traffic will remain in its normal lane.

    Traffic changes on Rockwood: Rockwood north of Steck will be open to one-way traffic traveling north to south only. There is no construction on Rockwood south of Steck.

    The Media Committee thanks Steve Fuquay, project manager for Joe Bland Construction, for providing us with this information, and neighbor Rick Perkins for giving us a heads-up about this project.

    Top image below: Lane changes and signage for Steck east of Rockwood (May 9 to end of June)

    Middle image below: Lane changes and signage for Steck west of Rockwood (May 9 to end of June)

    Bottom image below: Lane changes and signage for Rockwood (June 13 to end of July)