NSCNA Blog Archive

  • Thanks for the great event!

    2022 North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Garage Sale *and "Free Sale"*

    Saturday, May 7th 2022, 8am – 3pm

    NSCNA announces a Call for Participants in the 2022 North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Garage Sale!

    In the spirt of Buy Nothing North Shoal Creek, we encourage participants to put out free items too!

  • This map, from the City of Austin’s 2022 Mobility Annual Plan, shows in green sidewalks to be constructed in North Shoal Creek in 2022 and in red sidewalks to be constructed between 2023 and 2025. For more information about the City’s Mobility Annual Plan, including an interactive map showing what projects are planned throughout Austin, please use this link:  Mobility Annual Plan | Open Data | City of Austin Texas

  • We’re updating our website, so don’t be surprised if some of our pages start looking different. There may be short periods when we’re temporarily out-of-service. Our goal is to give you more info and to delete out-of-date info.

  • Pillow’s principal, Dinorah De La Torre-Salazar, attended NSCNA’s March 1 membership meeting and spoke about traffic congestion in the afternoons when school is dismissed and parents arrive to pick up children (from about 2:30-3:50 pm, with the worst between 2:55 and 3:50).

    Children are now back in class and that, in combination with the safety features recently put in on Crosscreek by the City of Austin’s Safe Routes to School Program, means that there is less street parking for parents. Principal De La Torre-Salazar asks that, should someone block your driveway while picking up their child, please call Pillow’s Office at 512-414-2350 and let them know. Or, email either Principal De La Torre-Salazar (dinorah.delatorre-salazar@austinisd.org) or her assistant, Dolores Young (dolores.young@austinisd.org).


  • NSCNA’s next general membership meeting is Tuesday, March 1, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Due to Covid restrictions, this meeting will be held online using Zoom.

    All NSCNA meetings are open to the public, and both members and non-members are invited to attend. The Zoom link and an agenda will be emailed to all NSCNA members prior to the meeting. Non-members, please email mediachair@nscna.org to request that the link and agenda be emailed to you.

    Posted by: NSCNA Media Committee