NSCNA Blog Archive

  • The Board requires all meeting minutes be approved before posting them online. At the January meeting, the past three General meeting minutes were approved. I have placed them online and you can view them by clicking the Minutes tab above or clicking here.

  • Election Results

    The January 11th meeting was held this past Sunday with an excellent turnout. The Bylaws committee recommended one amendment to the Bylaws that fixes an election issue involving runoffs that was adopted by the membership. The Nominating committee presented the results of their hard work, a slate of 11 members who are interested in running for Officer and Board positions. The Election committee then took over the meeting and proceeded with the annual elections. It was a quick election, with no new nominations from the floor for any position. Each of the 11 nominated members won their Officer and Board positions by acclimation. Here are the Officer and Board members for 2009.

    President: Jeff Russell
    Vice-President: Ken Moyer
    Secretary: Claudell Migl
    Treasurer: Helene Maham
    Board Position 1: Chip Rosenthal
    Board Position 2: Cheri Hartman
    Board Position 3: Candy Ellerd
    Board Position 4: Kelly Vaccaro
    Board Position 5: Alyssa Hedge
    Board Position 6: Sandy Perkins
    Board Position 7: Lynda Oaks

    You can view a list of past Officer and Board members here.

    We look forward to an exciting and challenging 2009.

  • Dear NSCNA Members,
    Our January meeting is a few days away, and the main topic will be elections of board members and officers. The Nominating Committee has release the nominees, and this letter includes a candidate statement from each. Click here to read each candidate’s statements. Hopefully, you will have a chance to learn about each candidate prior to the meeting. (The statements are listed alphabetically.)
    With the new Bylaws that went into effect last year, the election procedure is slightly different: each board member position will have a separate vote. We also have a separate Election Committee will handle the details of the election. I think the new procedures will actually speed up the meeting, and to make sure everyone stays “entertained”, we will feature committee reports and like while waiting for any vote results.

  • In the mailing that went out to all members announcing the upcoming January Annual meeting, there was a second page containing proposed Bylaws changes put forth by Vicki McFadden.

    Here is a copy of that proposal.

  • The annual meeting is scheduled for 1 pm Sunday, January 11 at Pillow Elementary. The main topic is elections, and the nominating committee still has some openings on the board to fill. Please contact the committee at nominating@nscna.org for more information.

    Annual Meeting
    North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association (NSCNA)

    Sunday, January 11, 2008; 1:00pm-3:00pm
    Pillow Elementary School Cafeteria

    Annual meeting: officer/committee reports and elections.