NSCNA Blog Archive

  • A meeting of the Traffic committee will be held this Thursday, September 18th. Here is the agenda:

    Traffic Committee of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association (NSCNA)

    Thursday, September 18, 2008
    8204 Sandalwood Cove
    phone: 415-9809 (Jeff)

    Discuss City of Austin traffic calming and Steck re-striping.

  • The Bylaws committee has worked diligently over the past six months to improve the bylaws of the Association. They have studied State Law, Robert Rules and many other Neighborhood Association bylaws to determine what changes should be made to the NSCNA bylaws.

    The primary goal of the Bylaws committee was to clarify parts of the bylaws that had been points of disagreement over the past few years. As they sought to clarify these points, it became clear that many other issues needed to be resolved. The committee’s finished product is more of rewrite than a simple change of wording.

    At their last committee meeting, August 5, 2008, all committee members agreed that the finished product is a great improvement. Is it perfect? Probably not. This was not the easiest job to complete but the committee is very happy with the final results and look forwarding to presenting it the membership with pride.

    You will find the proposed bylaws here. Any substantial wording changes made are underlined for clarity. Spelling, grammar or punctuation changes are not underlined.

    All NSCNA member households in attendance of the September 2 General Meeting received a copy of the proposed changes and a copy has been mailed to all member households not in attendance. The Bylaws committee will hold three Open Houses during the month of September for members to come and discuss the proposed changes and ask any questions they may have to understand the committee’s reasoning for specific changes. The dates for these Open Houses have been scheduled as follows: Pillow Elementary Cafeteria on Thursday Sept. 11th at 6:30 to 7:50 p.m, Pillow Elementary Cafeteria on Tuesday, Sept. 16th at 6:30-7:50 pm and Village Christian Apartments on Sunday Sept. 21st from 2:00 – 4:00 pm.

    A General Meeting has been called by NSCNA BOD at Pillow October 14, 2008, 6:30 pm. at which meeting the members will be asked to vote to ratify these changes.

  • The focus of the September 2 General Meeting was information on the City’s new single stream recycling program, mentor volunteer opportunities in AISD schools and a brief review of the Bylaws committee’s proposed changes to the Bylaws.

    The first speaker was Jennifer Herber from the Solid Waste Services department. She gave an overview of the new single stream recycling program and discussed the changes to expect starting October 6th. Each household will receive a new rolling trash can specifically for recycling paper, plastics marked with a 1 through 7, glass, aluminum, etc.

  • The next general meeting of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association is set for Tuesday, September 2, 6:30-8:00pm in the cafeteria of Pillow Elementary.

  • Typically, National Night Out is held on the first Tuesday in August across the country. For Texas, this is a terrible time due to the oppressive heat. This year, NNO organizers in Texas decided to change the date of NNO to October 7th from 6-8PM to help alleviate this problem.

    If you don’t know what the National Night Out is, please read about it on their official website here.

    The Austin Police Department also has a website up with details about this year’s event. If you plan on hosting a party on your block, you need to fill out an application with the APD. It is important to note that this application must be turned in by August 25th. On the APD website, you can download this application. Send that application to the address listed on their website and you will receive a goodie bag with items to give out to your neighbors during your party. Click here to download the application.

    For additional information, please contact our Safety committee chairperson, Roger Wines. You can also contact Rosie Salinas at the Community Liaison Office of the APD at (512) 974-4900 or by email at nno@ci.austin.tx.us.