NSCNA Blog Archive

  • At its October 26 meeting, the NSCNA Board approved sending a letter and list of comments regarding CodeNEXT Draft 2 to the Mayor and City Council. The letter can be viewed here Board Letter CodeNEXT 102717 and the list of comments here CodeNEXT Draft 2 Comments Final

  • Public input on CodeNEXT Draft 2 ended Oct. 31, and city staff are working now to get Draft 3 ready for its release date (November 28th).

    On December 12th and December 19th, Draft 3 is scheduled to go before Austin’s two land use commissions for review. Both commissions are scheduled to vote on it Jan. 11th.

    Next, Draft 3– annotated to reflect changes recommended by the two commissions– will be posted for action by the City Council on Jan. 26th. This prepares the stage for the City Council to review and debate preparatory to voting on it in April 2018.

    In the meantime, the controversy over CodeNEXT continues:

    • Anti-CodeNEXT groups have a petition drive going to require voter approval of CodeNEXT. If you want to sign the petition or just want more info on it, go to www.letusvoteaustin.org
    • The highest profile pro-CodeNEXT group is Evolve Austin, whose web page you can find at http://www.evolveaustin.org

    The official City of Austin CodeNEXT site is http://www.austintexas.gov/codenext, but it’s easy to get bogged down in the huge amounts of data and detail it contains. For a more general overview, try the CodeNEXT Hub, a site created by several local news organizations to pull together articles about CodeNEXT. Contributors to the site include the Austin American-Statesman, the Austin Monitor, Austin Chronicle, Community Impact Newspaper, and KUT; it’s at http://www.codenexthub.org

    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th 6:30-8:30 PM
    3025 Crosscreek Drive.

    • Presentation on the Shoal Creek Trail Plan from the Shoal Creek Conservancy (for more info, visit


    • Presentation from the Waller Creek Conservancy on the Waller Creek Parks plan (for more info, visit

    • Presentation from CapMetro on proposed June 2018 route changes
    • Update on CodeNEXT
    • NSC Neighborhood Plan, Community Character Element
    • NSC Neighborhood Plan: Open House, Sat. Dec. 9, at Pillow (time TBD)
    • Committee reports and updates
    Come hear about what’s going on in our ‘hood and contribute your voice and your opinion

  • From Austin’s Planning Dept.: Public input on Draft 2 will be taken through Tuesday, Oct. 31. After that, staff will start working on their recommendation, which will be presented and considered for action by the Land Use Commission and the City Council.

    We have one open house remaining: Southeast Austin: 10 a.m. to Noon Saturday, Oct. 28, at Dove Springs Rec Center, 5801 Ainez Drive. Children’s activities will be available. Language services will be available in Spanish.

    We also have several other ways you can provide input through Oct. 31:
    . You can leave a comment on the draft code.
    . You can leave a comment on the map.
    . You can make an appointment for office hours to speak one-on-one with a code writer.

    Those and other ways to engage and learn more about CodeNEXT are available on our website: http://austintexas.gov/codenext

    ..Zoning Framework Tables: As requested, we have posted our Zoning Framework Tables to the CodeNEXT website.

    These tables allow for a comparison of site development standards across multiple zoning districts as proposed in Draft 2 of CodeNEXT.

    Note: This is not code content but rather a useful way to visually compare across zones in greater detail than is contained in the Code Draft Preview Document.

    . Draft 2 Mapping Process: A 13-page document outlining the process staff used to develop mapping for Draft 2 of CodeNEXT is available on our website.

    This document summarizes staff’s approach to mapping CodeNEXT and includes a summary of guiding principles, the process to mapping Draft 1, a summary of map changes from Draft 1 to Draft 2, as well as a Zoning Conversion Guide. Staff considered a variety of factors and guiding principles in their mapping process.

    Staff’s approach to mapping will continue to evolve and develop, informed by ongoing work within CodeNEXT. Further, initial mapping efforts will serve to inform later efforts and may also identify areas where amendments to the zoning code are necessary.

    . CodeNEXT blog: Since our last newsletter, the following blogs have been posted to the website:

    How land use and our work in CodeNEXT can help support mobility.

    Additionally, we will be posting a blog recapping all six of our community meetings and the themes of the questions we received. Look for that on our News page in coming weeks, and right here in an upcoming newsletter.

  • The CodeNEXT team will share information about CodeNEXT, the rewrite of the City of Austin’s land development code.

    You can see the proposed zoning map, speak with code writers about changes to the code and how it affects you, and provide your feedback on the code. CodeNEXT staff will give a short presentation at 6:30 p.m.

    Light refreshments will be provided.

    For more information about CodeNEXT or for the full CodeNEXT Open House schedule, please visit austintexas.gov/codenext.