NSCNA Blog Archive

  • There’s a new project afoot our neighborhood needs to get involved in. It’s the Shoal Creek Trail Project, sponsored by the Shoal Creek Conservancy. If/When it’s successfully completed, the trail will include our neighborhood. We received this invite to a series of meetings about the project; please go if you can!

    “You’re invited to join Shoal Creek Conservancy for the first of a series of three Shoal Creek Trail: Vision to Action Plan community meetings. The Conservancy, a local nonprofit organization, is partnering with the community and the City of Austin to develop a plan to improve, connect and extend the Shoal Creek Trail.

    The first meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 21st at the Cirrus Logic Conference Center, 700 West Avenue, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Get involved, learn more, share your input, and enjoy cookies generously donated by Upper Crust Bakery at this first meeting.

    Imagine hiking or biking on a continuous pathway from Lady Bird Lake to the Domain. The improved trail will encourage green, human-powered transportation, provide a setting for outdoor family activities, and inspire Austinites to discover Shoal Creek’s hidden natural gems. When complete, it will span over 10 miles and link destinations such as Austin Community College, Pickle Research Center, the University of Texas, and Downtown Austin. The new trail will connect the Shoal Creek Trail to the Northern Walnut Creek Trail to the north and the Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail to the south. For more information on the Vision to Action Plan and meeting details, visit shoalcreekconservancy.org/trailplan.

    Shoal Creek Conservancy also regularly organizes volunteer service days along the creek. If you are interested in volunteering by yourself or with a group, please visit https://www.shoalcreekconservancy.org/events or contact volunteer@shoalcreekconservancy.org for other volunteer opportunities. Thank you in advance for your help making Shoal Creek cleaner, safer and more beautiful. To learn more about the Conservancy and support its work, visit shoalcreekconservancy.org.

  • The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association will hold a General Membership meeting on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, 6:30 PM to 8 PM, at Pillow Elementary School Library, 3025 Crosscreek Drive. Activities at the meeting will include:

    • Proposed changes to Steck Ave striping (Representatives from the City Transportation Department will be there to discuss   the changes)
    • Rezoning of property along 8600-8700 MOPAC
    • Neighborhood Plan
    • Neighborhood Partnering Program
    • CodeNext
    • Community Garden


    Residential Core (Yellow)

    • Characteristic of most single-family areas
    • Can include houses of worship, libraries, parks, schools, fire stations, etc.
    • Specific character will vary in different parts of Austin

    Neighborhood Transition (Gold)

    • Mostly residential
    • Serves as a buffer between more and less intense areas
    • Wide variety of housing (apartments, cottage courts, townhouses, row houses, etc.)
    • Depending on local conditions — a small amount offices/ local-serving commercial

    Neighborhood Node (Light Purple)

    • Mixed use district
    • Neighborhood-scaled
    • Commercial and mixed use buildings
    • Townhouses, row houses, and/or apartments
    • Ideally served by transit

    Mixed Use Activity Corridor (Blue)

    • Imagine Austin
    • Linear and mixed use
    • Shopping, jobs, services, entertainment, education, parks, houses of worship, variety of housing types
    • Well-served by transit

    Commerce (Dark Purple)

    • Primarily commercial/office
    • Automobile-oriented; located on freeways or frontage roads
    • Not well-suited for residential
    • Large shopping centers, hotels, car dealerships, office parks, etc.

    Industrial (Gray)

    • Manufacturing, warehousing, R & D, packaging, etc.
    • Located across the city
    • Not compatible with residential uses

  •  Good morning! APD and Whataburger have partnered together for another Coffee With a Cop visit. This one is next week, Tuesday May 23rd at the Whataburger located at 2801 W. Anderson Lane from 7:00 am to 9:00 am. Please join us. This is an informal setting where we can just meet and talk about anything you would like. Please stop by and have a cup a coffee with us. Hope to see you there!
    Sgt. Alfred Trejo

  • Here’s a list of CodeNext related events and resources sent to us by Michael Gaudini of Leslie Pool’s District 7 office. Please note that the Tuesday, May 16th Code Next Conversation is the one that applies to North Shoal Creek:

    “Our office has created a webpage with links to different CodeNEXT-related resources and event information. You can find it here: www.d7atx.com/codenext. Please spread this information to your neighbors so we can increase engagement on CodeNEXT.

    CodeNEXT Community Conversation
    Tuesday, May 16 from 6:30pm to 8pm
    Journey IFC (7500 Woodrow Ave)
    (This is the third CodeNEXT Community Conversation that the District 7 office will be holding. It will focus on the areas of D7 that are largely non-transect and have neighborhood or small-area plans, such as Wooten, North Shoal Creek, and North Burnet/Gateway. For more info: www.tinyurl.com/CodeNEXTConvos

    District 7 Open House (Featuring CodeNEXT Staff)
    Saturday, May 20 from 12pm to 2pm
    Burnet Middle School Cafeteria (8401 Hathaway Dr.)

    Mobility Meeting
    Wednesday, May 31 from 6pm to 8pm
    Austin City Hall (301 W. 2nd)

    Permitting & Process Meeting
    Wednesday, June 7 from 6pm to 8pm
    Austin City Hall (301 W. 2nd)

    In addition, city planning staff and the CodeNEXT consultants will be producing another draft of the proposed Land Development Code and zoning map in the late summer based on the feedback they receive at public meetings and through the online feedback tools. They will take this revised draft to the Planning Commission (PC) and Zoning and Platting Commission (ZAP) for discussion.

    The deadline dates for submitting comments to be considered in this initial revision are June 7 for the Land Development Code text and July 7 for the zoning map. Residents can still submit comments after those dates — those are only the deadlines for consideration for the revision that will be presented to PC and ZAP.

    Our office encourages residents to engage early and extensively, both with our office and using the online tools:

    Land Development Code Feedback Tool: www.tinyurl.com/CodeNEXTLDC
    Zoning Map Feedback: Tool: www.tinyurl.com/CodeNEXTMap

    We also encourage our residents to attend the ZAP and PC meetings on CodeNEXT, as well. The rough timeline for the CodeNEXT process is available at http://austintexas.gov/…/C…/2017-1-27_CodeNEXT_Schedule_.pdf”