NSCNA Blog Archive

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  • The  message from Jeff Engstrom is shown below.  Two direct links to related documents are:
    Future Land Use Map
    Character District Descriptions

    Join us this Saturday to review elements of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan!

    Join us this Saturday to review elements of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan!

    Please join us on this Saturday, February 25th, for our fifth and final neighborhood workshop for the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan. At the workshop, we’ll be discussing the latest draft Future Land Use Map as well as the overall Goals and Priorities for the plan. We’ll also collect input on sidewalk priorities, transit stop areas, and refined corridor visions. If you want to get an early start, take a look at the Draft FLUM on this page.

    We also want to let you know there will be a separate open house on this date to explain CodeNEXT. The CodeTEXT open house will be from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at Lanier High School. Click here for more information.
    Don’t worry, there will be more opportunities to review and give input on the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan. Over the next several weeks, we will send out updates as each plan element is released in draft form on the plan web site. When the entire draft plan is released there will be a final survey and an open house.

    We hope to see you Saturday at 9:00 AM at Pillow Elementary School!


    Jeff Engstrom, AICP
    Senior Planner
    City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department
    (512) 974-1621


  • As part of the City’s North Shoal Creek Planning Process, Planning Staff have posted a survey for all owners or managers of business properties in the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood. You can find the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/nsc-business

    Here’s some more info on the survey:

    This survey is for all business owners or managers within the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood. The City of Austin is working to create a neighborhood plan for this area. The plan will focus on community character, future land use, transportation, and public improvements. We want to better understand issues and opportunities affecting the quality of the business local business environment. As a significant stakeholder, it is important for your perspectives and issues to be reflected in the plan. Results for this survey will be aggregated  and individual results will be kept anonymous.

    NORTH SHOAL CREEK RESIDENTS: Please help spread the word among our neighborhood’s business owners and managers about this survey.

    Thank you.

  • Senior Planner Jeff Engstrom is inviting us to a VERY IMPORTANT PLANNING MEETING this Saturday at Pillow 9-noon. Please come, and please be sure to look at the draft FLUM posted at http://facebook.com/nscna

    “Please join us on this Saturday, February 25th, for our fifth and final neighborhood workshop for the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan. At the workshop, we’ll be discussing the latest draft Future Land Use Map as well as the overall Goals and Priorities for the plan. We’ll also collect input on sidewalk priorities, transit stop areas, and refined corridor visions. If you want to get an early start, take a look at the Draft FLUM posted on NSCNA’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/nscna

    We also want to let you know there will be a separate open house on this date to explain CodeNEXT. The CodeTEXT open house will be from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at Lanier High School. Click here for more information: https://www.austintexas.gov/department/c…

    Don’t worry, there will be more opportunities to review and give input on the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan. Over the next several weeks, we will send out updates as each plan element is released in draft form on the plan web site at http://www.austintexas.gov/northshoalcre…. When the entire draft plan is released there will be a final survey and an open house.

    We hope to see you Saturday at 9:00 AM at Pillow Elementary School!

    Jeff Engstrom, AICP
    Senior Planner
    City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department
    (512) 974-1621″