NSCNA Blog Archive

  • Join us Saturday to discuss mobility!

    We invite you to join us for the second North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan meeting on Saturday, November 5th, 2016, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Pillow Elementary School. Please join us for refreshments and a conversation with your fellow residents about your neighborhood. This meeting will focus on the connection between mobility and land use. We will also recap what you told us at the October neighborhood plan meeting. Additional meetings will come on December 3rd and in 2017.

    For this meeting we will have a limited amount of child care available for school age children for families that sign up in advance. To sign up for this child care please contact Debora Gonzalez at Debora.Gonzalez@austintexas.gov no later than Thursday at noon.

    Please visit the North Shoal Creek Plan web page for more information about the neighborhood and the planning process. We look forward to helping you chart the course for North Shoal Creek!


    Jeff Engstrom, AICP
    Senior Planner
    City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department
    (512) 974-1621

  • Planned Pillow Park Community Garden
    Planned Pillow Park Community Garden

    The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association has been awarded a $10,000 grant for its community garden project at Pillow Elementary School Park. The grant is from the Austin Parks Foundation (APF), a non-profit organization devoted to building public-private partnerships to develop and maintain parks, trails, and open space in Austin and Travis County.

    The community garden will be built in the southwest corner of Pillow’s block. It will be fenced in and will contain 22 garden beds, a drip irrigation system, a landscaped sitting area, and a shed. Neighborhood volunteers will supply the labor needed to construct the garden.

    The community garden is one part of NSCNA’s Neighborhood Partnering Project application to the City of Austin. Additional projects included in the application are

    • Beautifying the bulb-outs on Rockwood Lane;
    • Adding colorful mosaics to two bridges in our neighborhood; and
    • Partnering with Austin Public Works to construct high priority sidewalks in our neighborhood.

    The City of Austin has not responded yet to our Neighborhood Partnering Application, but the Austin Parks Foundation grant means the community garden project is a go. NSCNA thanks the Austin Parks Foundation for their support of our project.

    For more information on the Neighborhood Partnering Project overall and the community garden project specifically, please go to our Facebook page (facebook.com/nscna) and view the photo album titled “North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Partnering Program Proposal.”

  • Agenda items include
    . an update on our Neighborhood Partnering Program, including a major announcement regarding our community garden grant request;

    . a report on the October 1 Neighborhood Plan meeting plus a preview of what to expect in the upcoming Saturday, Nov. 5th meeting;

    . committee reports (including Social Committee’s scheduling of our annual Luminaria Walk and the Nominating Committee’s report);

    . vote on by-laws revisions;

    . Q&A time (there’s a lot going on in our ‘hood, and we want anyone with questions to have a chance to ask them).

    The meeting will conclude about 7:30 pm and will be followed by a meeting of the Board of Directors. Here’s the Board agenda:

    1. Election of Election Committee members;
    2. Discussion of Dawnridge Circle property opportunity;
    3. New business, if any

    All Board meetings are open to the public, so members are welcome to stay. However, only Board members can vote on issues brought before the Board.

    This will be an important and (we hope) interesting meeting. Plus, it’ll be our first one held in the new library at Pillow. Please come.

    posted by NSCNA Media Committee

  • The next General Membership Meeting of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood
    Association will be held:

    When: Tuesday, November 1, 2016, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM.
    Where: Pillow Elementary School, 2025 Crosscreek Drive.