NSCNA Blog Archive

  • At NSCNA’s November meeting, the membership voted to object to rezoning the Crump/Gordon property at 8528 Burnet Road from CS (Commercial Services) to MF-6 (Multifamily, highest density).

    On January 13, this zoning case came before Austin’s Planning Commission which approved MF-6 zoning.

    Subsequent to the Planning Commission vote, the NSCNA Board proposed MF-4 level zoning instead, but this was rejected by the developer, Sackman Enterprises.

    On February 12, the case came before the Austin City Council, which voted 7-4 to approve the MF-6 zoning on first reading. This means Council will need to vote two more times on this issue.

    Currently, Development Committee Chair Kevin Wier and Sustainable Neighborhood’s founder Steven Zettner are meeting with council members in an effort to change two yes votes to no.

    The NSCNA Board of Directors continues to view MF-6 zoning as too dense for this location for several reasons. The Board has written a letter explaining our association’s opposition to MF-6 zoning at this site. That letter has been posted at this link: NSCNA Board Letter

    Please click on the link and read the letter. We think it will give you an understanding of the issues involved in this case.

    This zoning case will be discussed at our Tuesday, March 3rd general membership meeting at the Pillow Elementary School cafeteria, 6:30-8:00 pm. We urge you to attend the meeting to discuss this issue, which we believe to be an important one to our neighborhood’s future.

    Thank you.



  • The next General Membership Meeting of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association will be held:

    When: Tuesday, March 3, 2015, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
    Where: Pillow Elementary School Cafeteria, 3025 Crosscreek Drive.

    The agenda will include:

    City Council Member for District 7 Leslie Pool and her staff and

    Crump/Gordon MF-6 zoning change.

    The normal meeting requirements will also be included.

  • Rezoning Case C14-2014-0157, for 8528-8600 Burnet Road/8647 Rockwood Lane (Crump and Gordon properties) was previously published on this site on October 26, 2014. An update was posted on December 3, 2014. The following new, revised and/or additional information is provided concerning this case:

    This application was heard by the Planning Commission on December 9, 2014. At that hearing the applicant requested the hearing be postponed until January 13, 2015. Only 6 commissioners were present, making it necessary for all 6 to vote in favor for the case to be approved. Request for postponement was approved; the case was postponed until January 13, 2015.

    At the Planning Commission hearing on January 13, 2015, the rezoning from CS to MF-6-CO was approved with the following conditions:
    (1 That 15% of the dwelling units shall be reserved for SMART Housing for a minimum of 10 years.
    (2 Limit the FAR on the site to 250,000 square feet.
    (3 Limit the height on the property to 60 feet.
    (4 Limit the number of units to a maximum of 300 residential units on the site.
    The applicant had submitted an amended application with conditions (1, without the 10 year requirement, (3 and (4.

    The case was scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 29, 2015.
    Due to the new 10/1 City Council assuming office, that hearing may be postponed until February 12, 2015. (Posting updated January 21)

  • The annual General Membership Meeting of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association will be held:

    When: Tuesday, January 6, 2015, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
    Where: Pillow Elementary School Cafeteria, 3025 Crosscreek Drive.

    In addition to normal business the agenda will include:

    — Election and installation of officers and board of directors for 2015. Nominees selected by the Nominating Committee are:
    President:  Lois McEvoy
    Vice President:  Julia Menegay
    Secretary:  Barbara Gaston
    Treasurer:  Donna Eager
    1. Mike Blood
    2. Levi Bullock
    3. Amelia Cobb
    4. Karen Denton
    5. Ernie Garcia
    6. Sharon Justice
    7. Lauren Werchan

    — Presentation about the upcoming NxNA Garden and Artisan Tour

    — Committee Annual Reports

    Minutes for the November 4, 2014 meeting are posted on this website under Minutes.

  • Rezoning Case C14-2014-0157, for 8528-8600 Burnet Road/8647 Rockwood Lane (Crump and Gordon properties) was previously published on this site on October 26. The following new, revised and/or additional information is provided concerning this case:

    Proposed Zoning Change:

    From: CS – General Commercial Services district is intended predominately for commercial and industrial activities of a service nature having operating characteristics or traffic service requirements generally incompatible with residential environments.

    To: MF-6-CO- Multifamily Residence (Highest Density) district is intended to accommodate multifamily
    and group residential use. This district is appropriate for highest density housing in centrally located areas
    near supporting transportation and commercial facilities, in areas adjoining downtown Austin and major
    institutional or employment centers, and in other selected areas where highest density multifamily use is
    desirable. CO- Conditional Overlay combining district may be applied in combination with any base
    district. The district is intended to provide flexible and adaptable use or site development regulations by
    requiring standards tailored to individual properties.

    The applicant is proposing the following conditional overlay (CO) in this case: 1) to limit the height on the property to 60 feet, 2) to state that 15% of the multi-family dwelling units shall be reserved for SMART Housing
    and 3) to limit the number of units to a maximum of 300 residential units on the site.

    This application is scheduled to be heard by the Planning Commission on December 9, 2014. The
    meeting will be held at City Hall Council Chambers, 301 West 2nd Street beginning at 6:00p.m.

    This application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 29, 2015 at City Hall Council Chambers, 301 West 2nd Street beginning at 2:00p.m.

    In the November 4, 2014, the members present voted to object to this rezoning. Comments or recommendations concerning this case may be emailed to development@nscna.org.